People power inspires energy savings of 15.3% in just four years at Knauf Insulation
People power has made a major contribution to energy saving success at Knauf Insulation with the company reducing its energy use per cubic metre of product by 15.3% in just four years from 2010.
People power has made a major contribution to energy saving success at Knauf Insulation with the company reducing its energy use per cubic metre of product by 15.3% in just four years from 2010.
Inspiring a culture of greater energy efficiency at every level has been key to the success says the company’s new sustainability report and puts Knauf Insulation on track to achieve its target of a 20% saving by 2020.
“Through detailed analysis we’ve been able to understand and make the changes that will make our plant processes run more efficiently. Effectively, we’re driving the same car but in a way that uses less fuel,” says Berin Onur, Group Energy Manager.
So how is this being achieved? Through a range of employee-focused initiatives.
“We hold constant energy awareness workshops across all plants to focus on behaviour and carry out energy tours to ensure that energy efficiency is always kept in the spotlight,” says Berin. “Our operators have a wealth of experience that they want to share and talking to people directly is the best way to collect ideas.”
Each energy-saving idea has added up to a significant contribution overall and range from installing new automatic on/off switches and PV panels and using machines at their most efficient temperatures to moving operators around to share best practice.
There have been striking achievements. For example, in North America where Knauf Insulation employs 1,500 people across 18 sites, major improvements in utility use such as new lighting systems led to an incredible 11.25 million kWh saved during 2014 and 2015.
A healthy sense of competition has now developed amongst Knauf Insulation’s plants and every year significant energy-saving initiatives are recognised. In 2014 the company’s Queensferry site received Knauf Insulation’s Award for Energy Performance following the implementation of energy saving measures at every level and Skofja Loka in Slovenia was voted the company’s Most Improved Plant for implementing a new energy management system.