Moving on from the State of Energy Union to tackling the state of Europe’s buildings: Knauf Insulation’s calls for mandatory EU-wide renovation targets
The European Commission has pledged today in its first State of the Energy Union Communication to focus on the state of Europ
The European Commission has pledged today in its first State of the Energy Union Communication to focus on the state of European buildings. This commitment has been welcomed by Knauf Insulation.
“Dealing with the state of our building stock is absolutely where we need to begin”, says Barry Lynham, Director of Strategy for Knauf Insulation. “We simply cannot continue to waste billions of euros every year due to a highly inefficient building stock but must set clear and mandatory targets to thermally renovate Europe’s buildings,” continued Lynham.
Energy efficiency is a key component of the European Commission’s strategy that aims to provide Europe with secure, affordable and climate-friendly energy as well as end fuel poverty. In his State of the Energy Union’ communication released today, Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič pledged to address buildings in 2016, notably though the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, targeting finance and through heating and cooling through a dedicated strategy.
Energy demanded for heating and cooling buildings represent the biggest energy use in the EU (53.3%) and more than 75% of buildings in Europe are not energy efficient. Knauf Insulation is calling for a 75% reduction in the energy used for heating and cooling in kWh/m2 in the existing building stock of each EU Member State by 2050 under the EPBD review.
“We don’t need more power plants and the risks and pollution that come with them; we need a building stock that is low energy and releases wealth and energy to power our economies”.
“The fact that the Energy Union strategy places emphasis on energy efficiency and buildings is significant but today’s nice words need to be turned into action - that action has to start with clear and mandatory targets for building renovation,” says Lynham.
For more information on Knauf Insulation’s views on Energy Union and Renovation see our new Sustainability Report.