Make the most of LEEDv4 with Knauf Insulation

By itradmin
September 16, 2015

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Knauf Insulation helps the industry navigate Green Building Rating Systems with online support and sponsorship of major European LEEDv4 workshop

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Knauf Insulation helps the industry navigate Green Building Rating Systems with online support and sponsorship of major European LEEDv4 workshop

In the next version of the US Green Building Rating System, LEEDv4, it will be easier than ever to earn points with Knauf Insulation products with ECOSE Technology.

LEEDv4, which will be fully used in October next year, places a greater emphasis on ‘Indoor Environmental Quality’. In the insulation category Knauf Insulation products with ECOSE® Technology can gain a maximum number of points thanks to being certified to meet Europe’s most demanding indoor environmental standards; including Eurofins Gold and Blue Angel to A+ labelling in France, in compliance with the German AgBB testing and evaluation scheme.

Knauf Insulation is committed to helping the construction industry navigate the constantly evolving landscape of Green Building Rating Systems. “Already we provide easily-to-understand downloadable documents showing specifiers how they can gain points in such green building rating system with our solutions at,” said Vincent Briard, Head of Sustainability, Products & Buildings at Knauf Insulation. “And on September 21, Knauf Insulation is one of the key sponsors of a major unique workshop in Berlin that will bring leading experts from around Europe and USGBC staffs to discuss the implications and challenges of next year’s LEEDv4 in Europe.”

Organised by the German Green Building Association and the US Green Building Council, the LEEDv4 EU Technical Development Event is designed to help professionals learn more about LEED resources, identify ways of improving LEEDv4 in Europe and offer opportunities to collaborate on developing new LEED solutions.

For more information about how Knauf Insulation can maximise points in Green Building Schemes click here.

For more information about the LEEDv4 conference in Germany sponsored by Knauf Insulation click here

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