Knauf Insulation reaction to COP21 Paris agreement

By itradmin
December 14, 2015

The Conference of the Parties (COP21) has ended last Saturday in Paris. Below are our reaction to the final agreement:

The Conference of the Parties (COP21) has ended last Saturday in Paris. Below are our reaction to the final agreement:

• Overall we are positive about the agreement reached in Paris. Whilst there is some obvious room for improvement, this is a historic moment and global leaders have made an important step forward.

• This is however just the beginning of the hard work; the real test will be in the level of action taken in the coming years in those areas where we can gain the most. Areas such as buildings which are responsible for as much as half of all global energy use and represent vast potential for carbon reductions.

• The big test for the EU will be whether the block is serious about tackling buildings as part of the legislative reform package on energy efficiency next year. Clear and mandatory targets and supporting measures to thermally renovate Europe’s buildings are going to need to form the backbone of the revised Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) and Energy Efficiency Directive (EED).

• We are looking to the EU and its Member States to take their cue from Paris, to lead by example and to start a global renovation revolution. 

You can also read more in our Sustainability Report 2015 from page 48 to 51.

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