Knauf Insulation participation to the LEED Technical Meeting in Berlin

By itradmin
May 11, 2016

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On the 27th of April, more than 100 LEED practitioners in Europe met in Berlin for the LEED Technical Meeting. This event was organized jointly by the German Green Building Association and US Green Building Council, with Knauf Insulation as a sponsor.

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On the 27th of April, more than 100 LEED practitioners in Europe met in Berlin for the LEED Technical Meeting. This event was organized jointly by the German Green Building Association and US Green Building Council, with Knauf Insulation as a sponsor.

This year, the event was designed to discuss with the different attendees how to improve the performance of the European existing building, to make the building stock greener and to identify Europe-specific improvements to LEED. The organisers also presented the new LEED Dynamic Plaque, the LEEDv4 for Building Operations and Maintenance Guidelines.

This was a great opportunity for Knauf Insulation to raise its voice into the rating system development for Alternative Compliance Paths in Europe, in particular by showing our expertise in the areas of Materials and Resources credit in Product Disclosure and optimization issues: EPD’s, Sourcing of Raw Materials, Material Ingredients, etc.

Jean-Pierre Pigeolet introduced the topic of Low-Emitting Materials by explaining the added value of ECOSE Technology into LEED assessment to the attendance.

For more information:

  • How Knauf Insulation can maximise points in Green Building Schemes - click here
  • All Knauf Insulation EPDs in one place – click here


Picture: Vincent Briard, Mahesh Ramanujam (COO, USGBC), Kay Killman (president, GGBA), Jean-Pierre Pigeolet

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