Knauf Insulation is nominated for the BouwKennis Marketing Jaarprijs 2011
Ten nominees have given a presentation for the BouwKennis Marketing Jaarprijs [‘Annual BouwKennis Marketing Award’] on Thursday 30 June. This is the annual award for marketing initiatives in the building industry in theNetherlands. They were given twenty minutes to convince the professional eight-member jury of the benefits of their marketing concept. This year’s finalists were Knauf Insulation, ABB – Draka and Haafkes Goor. The winner will be announced on 15 September during the BouwKennis Annual Meeting at Spant! in Bussum.
Ten nominees have given a presentation for the BouwKennis Marketing Jaarprijs [‘Annual BouwKennis Marketing Award’] on Thursday 30 June. This is the annual award for marketing initiatives in the building industry in theNetherlands. They were given twenty minutes to convince the professional eight-member jury of the benefits of their marketing concept. This year’s finalists were Knauf Insulation, ABB – Draka and Haafkes Goor. The winner will be announced on 15 September during the BouwKennis Annual Meeting at Spant! in Bussum.
In keeping with tradition, the BouwKennis Marketing Jaarprijs will be presented during the Annual Meeting. This year many companies from throughout the entire sector once again registered to compete for the title of ‘most inspiring marketing initiative in the building, property and installation sector’. The ten best concepts were ultimately given the opportunity to prove themselves before a professional jury on Thursday 30 June. Important criteria on which the jury judged the concepts included: the added value for the client, the proposition/positioning of the concept, its communication rollout, its distinctiveness and the set objectives and results achieved.
The three nominated initiatives each present in their own way an original and strong marketing concept. A description of the three concepts is given below in random order.
ABB & Draka -Clixys®
Clixys® is an innovative integral installation system for utilities construction that was developed by ABB & Draka. The intensive collaborative effort in all disciplines of both organisations has resulted in the development of a successful concept and a successful rollout. With this unique concept they are targeting all levels of the installation process, but certainly the owner or user of the building as well. As well as huge time savings and flexibility in the installation process, the added value of Clixys® is found in the extremely simple and ready-for-use installation of Clixys®, the avoidance of incorrect connections and the related risks. The concept was positioned as fast, simple, reliable and efficient via a phased and well-considered combination of resources. The emphasis was placed on the successful use of social media such as Twitter and an online game.
Haafkes Goor - BtB concept
What Haafkes Goor demonstrates with the BtB concept is true entrepreneurship. The concept consists of an affordable, open-plan first-time buyer home which stands out for the ample freedom of choice and intensive support in the design and implementation process. Haafkes Goor has developed a special calculation tool for this concept, which makes it an easy matter both for the private and the business market to work out the options and costs. By showing courage and vision Haafkes has succeeded in quickly gaining astounding results with zero budget marketing.
Knauf Insulation - EASY
Knauf Insulation has entered the consumer market for insulation materials with an extremely well-considered marketing concept: EASY. Knauf Insulation has launched an innovative and highly successful concept by carrying out thorough market research, making no concessions to positioning and a strong communication rollout. Make it EASY! A special range of DIY insulation products that consumers can use to easily insulate their homes and save energy. All angles have been covered: from product choice, to sales outlet, online and offline information supply, sustainability, energy labels and transport. Absolutely everything needed to make it EASY for the consumer. With EASY, Knauf Insulation is selling not just a product but a total concept!
Honourable mention
As well as the three finalists, CRH Clay Solutions was given an honourable mention. With Beeksteen®, CRH Clay Solutions is responding to the current market development in which sustainability is the central theme. This innovative brick creates added value for all those involved in property: more sustainability, more space and more convenience.
On 15 September the three nominees will present themselves before the visitors to the BouwKennis Annual Meeting at Spant! in Bussum. The ultimate winner of the Annual Award will be decided on a 50-50 basis by the jury and the visitors to the Annual Meeting. The nine members of the 2011 jury are:
- Bernard Verburg (Managing Director of Bouwmaat Nederland, also Chairman of the jury)
- Michel Kalis (Commercial Director of VELUX)
Lonneke Wijnhoven (Director of Group Communications, Heijmans)
Paul Brouwer (Director of Marketing Western Europe, Grohe) (absent from the jury meeting)
Michiel Damhuis (Marketing Manager, ATAG)
Marie-José Tijssen (Marketing Manager, Technische Unie)
Peter Fraanje (Sr. Policy Assistant, Bouwend Nederland)
Jan-Paul Schop (Director, USP Marketing Consultancy)
Boudewijn Goedhart (Director of BouwKennis)
BouwKennis Annual Meeting 2011: Trends in construction marketing
The building sector never sleeps, and in the years to come it will be facing various important trends. A central theme of the 2011 Annual Meeting is ‘the client of the future’. Curious about what customer-orientation, smart building and social media could mean to your organisation? If so, be sure to go to the Annual Meeting at theatre Spant! in Bussum, and be inspired along with 450 other professionals by the interesting and captivating speakers. You can sign up for the BouwKennis Annual Meeting at For complete information, you can also contact Paulien Schaap on _31 (0)10-2066996 or at [email protected]).