An insulation industry first: Knauf Insulation awarded first ever insulation industry Core EPD

By itradmin
February 27, 2014

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Last week, during a public handover ceremony at the Dach + Holz International (Roof+Timber) event in Cologne, Knauf Insulation was awarded their first Core PD by the German Institute for Construction and Environment, IBU (Institut Bauen und Umwelt).

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Last week, during a public handover ceremony at the Dach + Holz International (Roof+Timber) event in Cologne, Knauf Insulation was awarded their first Core PD  by the German Institute for Construction and Environment, IBU (Institut Bauen und Umwelt).

Present at the ceremony was Markus Niermann, Managing Director of Knauf Insulation Germany, Vincent Briard, Head of Sustainability, Buildings and Products and Jean-Pierre Pigeolet, Sustainability Technical Manager at Knauf Insulation and presenting the Core EPD was Mr Lehman, Chairman of IBU. 

Knauf Insulation is the first in the insulation industry to be awarded a core EPD;  another example of how Knauf Insulation is pioneering in product sustainability. The EPD was granted by IBU in October 2013  for Knauf Insulation rock mineral wool (RMW) products from our plant in Skofia Loka, Slovenia.

This was also an opportunity for both parties to discuss the development of a harmonised EPD going forwards. This is supported by the ECO Platform - a coalition of 11 EPD system holders from 11 countries including IBU, as well as European Associations such as the European Insulation Manufacturers Association, EURIMA. Knauf Insulation is a member of both organisations.

„A harmonised approached to EPD is the only viable way forward if we want to improve the environmental impact of construction products in Europe“, said Vincent Briard Head of Sustainability, Buildings and Products for Knauf Insulation. „The verification process, the format and the recognition of each EPD across the countries is paramount. Right now, we have to have a different EPD per country, which is an unnecessary complication for the construction industry“.

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