Advancing energy efficiency in Serbia would create 15 000 to 30 000 more jobs in the construction sector according to Knauf Insulation

By itradmin
June 16, 2016

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Even though buildings consume almost 50% of all energy spent in South East Europe (SEE), €500 million of funds available for energy efficiency projects were unused in 2015.

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Even though buildings consume almost 50% of all energy spent in South East Europe (SEE), €500 million of funds available for energy efficiency projects were unused in 2015. Investing more in energy efficiency in buildings would reduce the final energy demand for heating and cooling by almost 50% by 2050, and would also stimulate new job opportunities in this sector.

This was the message from the policy sessions South East Europe – Business and Job Opportunities from EU goals co-organised at EU Sustainable Energy Week with SEE (South East Europe) Change Net Foundation. The EUSEW brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient power.

Opening the event, Claude Turmes Member of the European Parliament, highlighted the potential for energy efficiency projects in the region. “South East Europe is more than a gas corridor”, he said.

Tihomir Civkaroski, Knauf Insulation General Manager of Balkan countries, Cyprus and Malta, stressed the need for a strong policy framework and financial mechanisms to ensure growth in the sector. “We are also missing governmental dedication, especially having in mind the direct impact of energy efficiency on GDP and job increase”, said Tihomir. He added that advancing energy efficiency in Serbia would create 15 000 to 30 000 more jobs in the construction sector.

At the event, SEE launched their new Energy Roadmap for 2050 showing how the investment in energy efficiency in buildings would reduce the final energy demand by almost 50% and create new job opportunities.

Read the full press release here.

For more information about Knauf Insulation activities in the region, please contact Andjelina Kuzmanovic at [email protected]

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